Modern Vlogging
In this online training you will discover what a vlog really is, some great and profitable ideas for starting a vlog, how to start your new vlog with maximum impact and how to promote your vlog so that you increase your subscriber numbers and your potential to make money.
Vlogging is becoming increasingly more popular and there has never been a better time to start a vlog. People really enjoy watching high quality vlogs and some vloggers have subscribers in the millions. But you don’t need millions of subscribers to make money from vlogging.
Doing something that you love and recording it to share with the world and making money at the same time. This is more than a dream – it can be your reality if you follow the advice provided in this guide. You will discover what a vlog really is, some great and profitable ideas for starting a vlog, how to start your new vlog with maximum impact and how to promote your vlog so that you increase your subscriber numbers and your potential to make money.
Duur van de online cursus
Deze online cursus duurt circa 3 uur. Wil je het maximale rendement uit je online cursus halen, gebruik dan de ondersteunende lesmaterialen. Hiermee heb je trainingsmateriaal voor circa 1 week.
Deze online cursus is geschikt voor iedereen die graag meer wil leren over ''Modern Vlogging''.
E-Books, Video's, Bonusmaterialen, Tips.
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- Onderwerp
- Communicatie & Presentatie, Hobby & Vrije tijd, Engelstalig
- Type
- E-learning
- Duur
- 3 uur
- Studiebelasting
- 3 uur
- Niveau
- Certificaat
- Ja